49. Hawaii Pct. of pop. age 65+: 19.0% (7th highest) 65歳以上の人口が占める割合 19% 確かにヨボヨボが多い Avg. earnings 65 & older households: $81,027 per year (the highest) 65歳以上の世帯別所得:8万1027ドル 全米一 へぇ~ ハワイって年寄りの天国なんだね 65 & older homeownership rate: 76.6% (10th lowest) 65歳以上の持ち家率 76.6% これは下から10番目 Life expectancy at age 65: age 86.1 (the highest) 65歳以上の人の余命は全米一 平均86.1歳 For many Americans, Hawaii represents an ideal place to retire for its tropical climate alone, but the state boasts many additional advantages as well. ハワイが余生を送るに最適なのは気候だけじゃないぜ 他にもイロイロあるぜ。 For many older Americans, driving is not an option, and in much of Hawaii, driving is not a necessity as it is in other parts of the country, as an estimated 9.9% of commuters in the state either walk or use public transportation, a larger share than in all but half a dozen other states. アメリカの他のエリアじゃクルマを運転しなきゃ生きていけないけど ハワイじゃ運転なんかしなくていいんだぜ。 Hawaii also has a nation-leading life expectancy for retirement age Americans. At age 65, average life expectancy in Hawaii is 21.1 years, the highest of any state and well above the 19.5 year national average. 長生きできるしな。