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 投稿番号:104265 投稿日:2022年02月06日 04時21分08秒  パスワード

コメントの種類 :生活  パスワード


The Zodiac Signs Ranked From Most To Least Mature
Astrofame - Jan 29

12. Gemini  双子座

Gemini is the most immature sign   いつまでも大人になりたくない星座

Geminis are the people that always wished they would never grow up, and might even have cried on their 18th birthday. While their freedom is a bonus, Geminis aren’t big on the commitments that come with adulthood and try to keep them to a bare minimum. As highly expressive and intelligent people, you get the impression after a while that they actively choose to avoid responsibility. In an ideal world we’d all have fun, Gemini, but then nothing would ever get done!

[1]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2022年02月06日 14時35分09秒 ) パスワード



1. Capricorn    やぎ座

Capricorn is the most mature zodiac sign

Capricorns are the living embodiment of maturity. They know what they have to do to succeed, so they just buckle down and get on with it. While other zodiacs are liable to being swayed by their desire or lack of tenacity, Capricorns are ready to make the sacrifice. They see the big picture and as a successful zodiac sign, they also reap the rewards.
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