This Blood Type Puts You at Risk for Dementia by Alek Korab 9 hrs ago 要するに血液型で心配するんじゃなくて、 心臓病とか糖尿病に罹らないようにして、 普段からの心持ちにも気を付けて、 禁煙して、運動して、肥満にならないようにして、 そして生活態度も改めなさいね、 ってコトだね。 This Blood Type Puts You at Risk for Dementia Your blood type can tell you a lot about yourself, and researchers are discovering it can even indicate if you might get certain diseases. Besides telling you if you might have a heart issue or get diabetes—or even what kind of personality you have, according to one report—your blood type may be predictive of certain memory problems, including dementia. 1. Which Blood Type Puts You Most at Risk? どの血液型が一番リスクが高いか? AB型が一番高いのかも "People with blood type AB may be more likely to develop memory loss in later years than people with other blood types", according to a study published in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Keep reading to see if you're at risk. 2. What Exactly is the Risk? で、リスクって? AB型はアメリカ人の4%なんだけど AB型の人は認知症に至る思考や記憶の問題を起こすのが 他の血液型の人より82%高いというのが分かった。 "AB is the least common blood type, found in about 4 percent of the U.S. population," says the AAN. "The study found that people with AB blood were 82 percent more likely to develop the thinking and memory problems that can lead to dementia than people with other blood types." 3. What is Factor VIII? 何だ?これ! 血栓にする蛋白質の[因子だって "Researchers also looked at blood levels of factor VIII, a protein that helps blood to clot. High levels of factor VIII are related to higher risk of cognitive impairment and dementia," says the AAN. "People in this study with higher levels of factor VIII were 24 percent more likely to develop thinking and memory problems than people with lower levels of the protein. People with AB blood had a higher average level of factor VIII than people with other blood types." 4. What is the “Least Risky” Blood Type to Have? いちばん認知症にならない血液型は? へっへっへっ もともとが心臓病や卒中のリスクが低いからね According to the AAN, "Previous studies have shown that people with type O blood have a lower risk of heart disease and stroke, factors that can increase the risk of memory loss and dementia." 5. Regardless, Blood Type is Not the Only Risk Factor 勿論血液型だけがヤバイ要因というわけじゃない。 "If you were to do the same study and look at smoking, lack of exercise, obesity and other lifestyle factors, the risk of dementia is much, much higher," said Dr. Terence Quinn, a clinical lecturer in stroke and geriatric medicine, first posted on WebMd.