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 投稿番号:104180 投稿日:2021年09月08日 12時51分38秒  パスワード

コメントの種類 :生活  パスワード


Surprising Side Effects of Taking Calcium Supplements After 50
Lauren Manaker MS, RDN, LD, CLEC
10 hrs ago







[1]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2021年12月06日 02時31分49秒 ) パスワード



3 Supplements That You Should Never Take, According To Doctors (They Do Nothing!)
Merrell Readman - 6h ago


Calcium is often touted as one of the most essential supplements to take for stronger bones and a healthier heart, but the reality is that there’s a good chance you’re already consuming enough in your diet naturally that the supplement is making no real change to your body.

“While many people associate this mineral with dairy products, other products like cereals, almond milk and orange juice are often enhanced with calcium, so just look for the word “fortified” on the label,” notes Pak.

“Kale, beans and dried figs are some flavorful, calcium-rich favorites.” Even if you follow a plant-based diet and aren’t consuming dairy products, you’ll still likely be getting ample calcium and are therefore wasting money on a supplement you don’t need.


Magnesium is necessary for maintaining energy levels and preserving muscle function, but this is another nutrient which you more than likely consume enough of within your daily diet.

“Magnesium is another essential nutrient with many health benefits, and many nuts (peanuts, almonds, cashews) are a good source. Salmon and beef are also good dietary staples that contain magnesium,” explains Pak. For a vegetarian diet, snacking on a serving of nuts once a day should help you to reach your magnesium requirements, so there will be no real use in investing in supplements.


The function of potassium within the body is primarily to help your nervous system work more effectively while managing your blood pressure as well.

“Muscle cramping is a tell-tell sign of low potassium levels,” warns Pak.”

Bananas are a popular potassium-packed food, but it can also be found in avocados, coconut water, broccoli and chicken.” With a range of foods that are commonly found in a variety of diets and do not exclude those with dietary restrictions, potassium is easy to come by within your typical healthy day of eating.

At the end of the day, Pak has some simple advice for determining with supplements you should actually be including without your routine.

“Getting your blood work done at your doctor’s office can help to identify any nutritional deficiencies your body has, and the number one solution should always be [focusing on your] diet, with supplements doing just that — supplementing,” he says.

Focusing on a colorful and nutrient dense diet is the best way to improve your overall health and reach your nutritional goals, and with this, it’s unlikely you’ll need to consume any supplements at all.
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