The places where boomers carry the most debt アメリカで一番裕福な世代であるベビーブーム生まれ (1946年〜1964年生まれの57歳〜75歳) の300万人を対象に 今年4月1日から6月7日までのLendingTree社の金銭的信用調査から、 アメリカの大都市100市の内 どこに住んでるベビーブームの人が一番借金を抱えているかの調査結果。 92.9%が借金を抱えていて 中には全く借金の無い人も含む。 答えはワシントンDC (首都に住んでる人だった) 1位 Washington, D.C. 合計総借金平均値:11万3118ドル=1244万2980円 内訳 住宅ローン以外の平均借金値 Median non-mortgage debt: $48,720 その割合 Percentage with non-mortgage debt: 94.50% クレジットカードの平均借金値 Median credit card debt: $4,842 その割合 Percentage with credit card debt: 86.80% 車の平均借金値 Median auto debt: $19,393 その割合 Percentage with auto debt: 47.10% 学生ローンの平均借金値 Median student loan debt: $40,163 その割合 Percentage with student loan debt: 16.20% ハワイの場合 ホノルルは全米10位 40. Honolulu 平均7万8185ドル 860万350円 Median non-mortgage debt: $29,198 Percentage with non-mortgage debt: 90.70% Median credit card debt: $3,759 Percentage with credit card debt: 80.90% Median auto debt: $17,028 Percentage with auto debt: 30.60% Median student loan debt: $28,200 Percentage with student loan debt: 9.20% 100位はミルウォーキー市 総額平均値 6万6326ドル = 729万5860円 100. Milwaukee Median non-mortgage debt: $19,793 Percentage with non-mortgage debt: 91.30% Median credit card debt: $3,358 Percentage with credit card debt: 77.80% Median auto debt: $14,834 Percentage with auto debt: 43.20% Median student loan debt: $28,341 Percentage with student loan debt: 13.10% How baby boomer debt breaks down With credit card debt burdening an average of 81.4% of baby boomer consumers, the generation has the largest share of people dealing with card debt, along with the highest overall median balance at $3,958. Auto loan debt is slightly less common for baby boomers than younger generations, but a significant percentage of consumers — 47.6% on average — have outstanding loans with a median balance of $17,683. Texas metros again top the ranks, with boomer consumers owing the most on auto loans in McAllen and El Paso. And though it has the smallest share of borrowers, 13.1% of the baby boomer generation in the largest metros has student loan debt. While the share of consumers in student debt is less than half than Gen X’s, boomers with student debt owe a median of $29,444 — just under $5,000 less than what Gen Xers owe. この世代で学生ローンを借りた人は少ないけど、70歳代になっても未だ返済を終えてないとか聞いてる。