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 投稿番号:103383 投稿日:2011年01月04日 13時08分57秒  パスワード

コメントの種類 :生活  パスワード



[1]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2011年01月04日 13時46分07秒 ) パスワード


[2]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2011年01月04日 13時48分03秒 ) パスワード


[3]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2011年01月05日 01時16分10秒 ) パスワード



[4]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2011年01月07日 16時13分27秒 ) パスワード


[5]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2011年01月07日 16時14分56秒 ) パスワード

The first meal of the New Year is a grand one in Japan. The decadent spread, called “osechi” in Japanese, is a cherished, home-cooked tradition. But in step with the more hectic, Internet era that doesn’t allow for as much time to craft the meal from scratch, osechi meals across Japan are being increasingly replaced with ready-made sets in supermarket and convenience stores. And now a growing number of people even prefer to get their first meal of the year home-delivered with a click of the mouse. But leaving the fate of osechi meals to the whims of the Internet became a recipe for disaster this year: some meals arrived in disastrous form, a company president was forced to resign over bad osechi, and orders were received after Jan. 1.

A user posted this and other photos to a Japanese Internet forum saying it was an osechi meal received from Bird Cafe. “Troubles with osechi” has been the theme hitting giant e-commerce sites Groupon and Rakuten this year, prompting some to question whether they should entrust such a valuable tradition to online marketplaces in the future.

Some who ordered the osechi set from Bird Café, a Yokohama-based restaurant, via online discount site Groupon, were horrified when they lifted the lid to discover a sparsely-populated box sloppily thrown together that didn’t resemble the rich osechi meal promised in the pictured advertisements.

Bm.iphone/FlickrJapanese blogs and tweets are still buzzing over the shocking offense days since photos posted on 2ch, a popular Internet forum, were put up before the new year.

Japan sets a high bar when it comes to the annual osechi feast: a grand smorgasbord of traditional delights arranged tidily in a decorative box with the utmost care. The sumptuous display, likely to be considered food porn by any self-respecting epicurean, belies how light the meal actually ends up resting in one’s belly. It includes a rich assortment of creatures of the sea, meats, and vibrantly-colored vegetables.

Bm.iphone/FlickrGroupon released a statement Wednesday apologizing for the mishap. According to Japanese media reports, the Bird Café erred in two main ways: it shortchanged customers on the number of items and the amount in each box. Its advertisement on Groupon said 33 different types of food would be included, enough to serve four people. But the restaurant was short by about eight items and the fill was meager. The blunder occurred due to an overflow of orders that exceeded the allotted 500 sets and failing to leave enough time to prepare all the boxes, wrote Kenji Mizuguchi, the president of Gaishokubunka, the restauarant management company that oversees Bird Café, on his blog Sunday. In the same blog entry Mr. Mizuguchi announced his resignation as company president to take responsibility for the incident. The meal valued at 21,000 yen ($256) was reduced to 10,500 yen ($128) with a 50% off coupon on Groupon, a sharp discount that some online voices say is to blame for the end product.

What is more, some meals were delivered past the promised date on New Year’s Eve. But Groupon wasn’t alone in their delay problems. About 1,000 osechi sets ordered from the restaurant Visyaku Tokyo through Rakuten and other sites also failed to reach customer homes by the time the ball dropped. Some sets were delivered as late as Jan. 3, according to Rakuten spokesman Yushi Shiozaki. He said that poor weather and a larger than expected number of orders were the reasons for the delay, but that prompt delivery times and food quality is the restaurant’s responsibility.

“In the future, we [Rakuten] will work harder to cooperate more with the businesses selling goods through our site to prevent this kind of incident from reoccurring,” said Mr. Shiozaki.

Better luck next year?
[6]空の青海のあをさんからのコメント(2011年01月07日 16時26分49秒 ) パスワード






グルーポンは5日、謝罪文を掲載した。 日本のメディアによると、バードカフェの過失は主に次の2点。まずひと箱当たりの品数と量が少なかったこと。グルーポンの広告によると4人分、33品が含まれるはずだった。だが実際は8品目ほど少なく、量もかなり減らされていた。バードカフェを運営する外食文化研究所の水口憲治社長は、2日付けのブログで「この問題に至った経緯としまして広告掲載しました内容と比べてボリュームが足りないことと納品の遅れは、500セットの調理と詰め込みに予想以上の時間がかかり納品が遅れるという事態が発生してしまいました」と説明している。同じブログで水口氏は、代表取締役を引責辞任することを明らかにした。おせちは通常価格2万1000円のところ、5割引の1万500円で販売された。今回の騒動は、このような大幅値引きに原因があると指摘する意見もある。

さらに宅配予定の大晦日を過ぎてから届いたおせちもあった。遅配が生じたのはグルーポンだけではない。楽天市場などのサイトを利用して注文を受けた東京のレストラン「Visyaku Tokyo(ビシャク・トウキョウ)」のおせちセット約1000が予定の時間に届かないという事態が生じた。楽天の広報担当者によると、3日になってようやく到着した商品もあったという。同担当者は、年末の天候不順や注文が予定数を超えたことなどが遅延の理由であることを説明したうえで、配達時間の順守や食品の品質はレストランの責任だと述べた。


記者:Yoree Koh
 【 彦島で熱く語る!!一覧に戻る
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